Did you join our Gentle Parenting Summit? Are you looking for more biblical encouragement? You’re at the right place and I’m so glad you’re here… Welcome!
I’m Christina Dronen – the author of this blog & the Parenting in Christ bible study discussion guides. I love digging into scripture, parenting (most of the time), and encouraging other moms. I hobby garden, which means I mostly grow leaves (instead of actual tomatoes) & kill plants. Thank God that’s not a true test for taking care of children!
Just for visiting today, I have this beautiful Godly Parenting Principles printable with scripture references for you. You can download it FREE right here. Just click on the image and it will pop open in a new window for you to download!
You may also want to check out my post on Godly Parenting Principles.
Would you like more beautiful printable bible verse coloring pages?
Visit here to download FREE bible verse coloring pages including options to download pdfs.
And coloring isn’t just for grown-ups! 😉 I’ve got bible verse coloring pages for kids, too. Even toddler pages, so they can join in.
Let’s Connect!
If you want to connect with other gentle Christian parents online – join my Facebook Group: Gentle Christian Parenting – Caring for Children like Jesus. (Let me know in the request that you found out about it here).
And these are all free, no subscription required!
But if you want to get access to absolutely everything – including worksheets, all of my coloring pages, and bible verse phone wallpapers, not to mention monthly encouragement for biblical parenting in your inbox, sign up below!

Want to know more about my parenting bible study discussion guides? Learn more about my bible study discussion guides here & check out my bible verse coloring book here! All proceeds go to supporting Finally Family Homes, a ministry serving youth being sent out of foster care without having found a family or home.